My name is Wojciech Paprocki
I was born on 17th of April 1956 in Warsaw
I graduated from the 2nd Secondary School in Warsaw in 1974
the Warsaw School of Economics - SGH (formerly the
Main School of Planning and Statistics - SGPiS) the Faculty
of the Economics and Organisation of Transport in 1979
Teaching posts
and scientific path from 1979 Assistant, Professor's Assistant and Docent in the Department of Transport at SGPiS
Ph. D. thesis titled "Methods of evaluation of the economic effectiveness of on the inland waterways transport" in 1985
between 1992-1995 Associate Professor in the Department of Logistics at SGH
since 1995 Associate Professor in the Department of Transport at SGH
since 2001 Head of the Department of Economics of Transport Enterprise SGH
February 2005 title Professor of Economics
Since 2018 Head of the Department of Transport at SGH Warsaw School of Economics
supervisor of six Ph.D. theses, numerous master's and bachelor's theses
and research work author of several books and over 70 publications in Polish, English, German, Russian and Chinese
active participation in many research projects (national and international):
:: OBET research projects
:: SGH research projects
:: eBusi-Net in joint co-operation with the University of Duisburg
between 2002-2004 leader of KBN (State Committee for Scientific Research) Project "The impact of demonopolization and consolidation in transport on
its effectiveness"
since November 2005 SGH team leader of 6th FP "SMMART" (System for Mobile Maintenance Accessible in Real Time)
author of papers delivered at national and international conferences. More...